View of stand post-treatment, on south side of Jim Readdy Rd

Typical Minnesota Landscape

Sullivan Lake

White pine seedling showing silver coloration typical of this area and associated with higher resistance to blister rust



B&LE #903 Fairbanks, Minnesota

CN Ore Cars, Fairbanks, Minnesota

Fall Sunday 11 Years Ago

The Smell of Lilacs in the Morning

CN-DMIR 400, NB, WALES, MN 5-13-13

IC 6250, SB, N. WALES, MN 5-13-13

Lake Pequaywan

#Hipstamatic #JohnS #KodotXGrizzled

#Hipstamatic #JohnS #KodotXGrizzled

#Hipstamatic #JohnS #KodotXGrizzled

#Hipstamatic #Americana #BlankoFreedom13

#Hipstamatic #BuckhorstH1 #Blanko

#Hipstamatic #JohnS #KodotXGrizzled

crazy hdr effect

Nice Spot

Heck of the North 2011

West Loader