SantaFeOpera 2013(21)

Cafe: New Mexico Rockhounding Series (From 2005, Museum Hill Plaza of Santa Fe)

Moon: New Mexico Rockhounding Series (From 2005, Museum Hill Plaza of Santa Fe)

New Mexico Rockhounding Series (From 2005, Museum Hill Plaza of Santa Fe)

New Mexico Rockhounding Series (From 2005, Museum Hill Plaza of Santa Fe)

Train Trio - Santa Fe Southern Railway & New Mexico Rail Runner Express - Santa Fe Depot, NM (DTA_6420)

Aspens & Elvis

downtown santa fe overview.

Botanical Garden view into the distance

Sunset over Santa Fe

Jemez Mountains

Atalaya Mountain

View towards Albuquerque

Atalaya View

Santa Fe Winter

Aspen Panorama 5

Hopi Kachina: New Mexico Rockhounding Series (From 2005, Museum Hill Plaza of Santa Fe)

Aspen Panorama

102010 (068)

Santa Fe Overlook

New Mexico Rockhounding Series (From 2005, Museum Hill Plaza of Santa Fe)