Vienna - St. Charles Church Panorama

autumn leaves

Kunsthistorisches Museum - Wien

Inside St. Stephen's Cathedral, Vienna.

Der Wiener Prater im herbstlichen Gewand


2008 Irina 2nd Fotoshooting Private 188

attention !

View from Donau Turm, Vienna

The Look

Zieräpfel - Small apples

before sunrise

Wien: Kunsthistorisches Museum

Wien, 13. Bezirk (Schloss Schönbrunn), Palacio de Schönbrunn, Schönbrunn Palace, Palazzo di Schönbrunn, le Palais de Schönbrunn (Gloriette)

Reflective View: Innere Stadt Vienna Austria

Vienna seen from the Danube Tower

City lights

Aquarienhaus Tiergarten Schönbrunn

St.Charles's Church

Schloss Laudon - Schloß Hadersdorf im Wasser Spiegel ~ Laudon Castle in the water mirror

Ahhhh... Wonderful life!!


Am blauen Wasser (2)

Hidden entrance into another world.

Weingarten am Nußberg 2

L1001880-B_fl - die moderne wahren

Dangling on the brink of adulthood

"And in the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years."

o o o o

Schloßpark , Schönbrunn ...

platonic plateau

“Anyone who says sunshine brings happiness has never danced in the rain”

“Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential, and fight for your dreams.”

Old Vienna

Belvedere Alto Vienna

look ahead

Water Lily Pond - Nuphar lutea, Gelbe Teichrosen, "Seerosenteich" - Lobau - im Wasser Spiegel - in the water mirror - Undine

Alt Donau

@ the Schloss Schonbrunn #2

blue hour

Autumn Reflection