Water Outlet Structure Abstract

The Hotel Entrance Lobby with a view through to the Library.

Solar Heating Tube Abstract

Floral Abstract 2 Image Composite



Small street with flowers and blue sky in Alhama de Granada, Andalousia, Spain - Picture Image Photography

Under the Carob Tree at the Hotel Finca el Cerillo


Thermes romains d'Alhama de Granada en Espagne (Andalousie Grenade) - Roman Baths of Alhama de Granada in Spain (Andalusia) - Picture Image Photography

Finca el Cerrillo, Spain - Balcony View

El Whippy


View From Ermita De Santa Ana

Chill time

El Amparo B&B, near Alhama de Granada

Prickly Pear Cactus

9. View of Alhama de Granada.

Untitled (2013-07-02 12:32:11)

Table with a View (of Torre del Mar)

Plaza de Los Prisioneros

Land & Lake

A Flor de Piel

Colores otoñales - Χρώματα του Φθινοπώρου

Alhama de Granada - vista

37 Grados - 37 βαθμούς Κελσίου

Empezando la bajada

Under The Carob Tree

Sete palmos debaixo de terra... / Six feet under...

Curva no caminho... / Curve on the road...

IMG_8772 Los Tajos Alhama de Granada

Motorcycle emptiness...

Under the Carob Tree

Tarde en Bermejales

Sunset 2

Super luna (Agosto)

Reflejos en Bermejales / Bermejales lake reflection


Tajos de los Bermejales

Wild moon

Panorámica del Embalse de Bermejales. Gracias por las 60.000 visitas.