So Absolutely Not the Usual

Tweentieth Floor, Albuquerque

Gas Mask Girl

Still Life - Pears & Basket 1

Still Life - Fork-Cherry Tomato

Aliice Black in the Smoke House

Lexina Pandora 18

Teddy No Name

Defying Gravity Explored 4/28

Still Life - Eggs & Flowers 1

Inflating Hot Air Balloon

66 Diner

100 Strangers | 53: Willem

The view from Central -- uploaded from the Monterey Motel!

Suli Torres-Reyes

Teddy No Name

NIKKI 4780

Still Life - Apples 2



Still Life - The Bedside Table 1

Eleven Geese Flying

Sugar Coated Sandia's-

Rain Comes to Sandias 2a

Sandia sunset

Tingley Beach sunset in the park

Autumn on the Rio Grande

Smoke Filled Evening

White Fairy

Tingley Beach Sunset



Autumn in the bosque

los volcanes

Super Full Moon

Fly Boys

Sandia Sunrise-2

Tattered and Torn

Monument Valley, Az - Apr 11, 2011

Monument Valley, Az - Apr 11, 2011

Great run by the Bosque this morning. Ran into my tía and some balloons

Banco vacio en Los Poblanos