Rural Water

Farm near Engels

Tree down in my backyard

Lake Benton

Lake Benton Sunrise

Nice end to the day. #capitalcovecabin #lakebenton

The fresh air of below zero temperatures slowed them down and now it's time for checkers.

Meet the Beatles

City of Tyler

S m o o t h . . .

Danebod Interior

Danebod Interior

Danebod Interior

Danebod Interior

Danebod Interior

Danebod Interior

Danebod Interior

Danebod Interior

Danebod Interior

Danebod Interior

Danebod Interior

Danebod Interior

Danebod Interior

Lincoln County Courthouse- Ivanhoe MN (1)

Lincoln County Courthouse- Ivanhoe MN (2)

Robert with Santa and Mrs. Claus • Browse Tyler 2012