Watery Path in the Grass

Man at McDonald's (Thanks for Total 15,056,921 views)

Blue Head (Explore 1-22-15)

On a Peaceful Everglade 3I9355

One Dollar's Worth

Side view

James. From Bangladesh.

Northern Cardinal (Female) at Okeeheelee Park in West Palm Beach, Florida

Foul Weather Cardinal

Okeeheelee Infrared

Red-winged Blackbird-female-PW-8534

The Path

2011-08-30 60D Tamron 60mm Macro drip drop 004

Purple Martins-PW-8608

Beautiful Poison

Putting the Nature in Preserve at Grassy Waters

Something's on My Nose

G2 N668JT

West Palm Beach Computer Repair

Young Male Northern Shoveler

Bunting On The Run

Eastern Amberwing (Perithemis tenera)


Penetrating Sunlight

The White-Handed Gibbon's House

Coconut Boulevard and 60th St ~ Dedicate to my friend Brenda bluebird218

Monarch (Danaus plexippus)

Tropical Checkered-skipper (Pyrgus oileus)

Variegated Fritillary (Euptoieta claudia)



Well, well


Apr 17 201745446

Walkway in the Woods


Cassius Blue (Leptotes cassius)

#Sunset #lake #noedit #nofilter #ilivewhereyouvacation #paradise #SoFlo


Grassy Waters Preserve, Palm Beach Co. Florida

Grassy Waters Preserve