Varner-Hogg Plantation

Good Morning~~~I Need to Find this uNobstructed View to the West⭐️

the WorLd from the fLoWeRs' PoiNt of ViEw~~~

GooD ThursDaY

Dia de los Muertos

Brazosport Regional Health System (Brazosort Memorial Hospital)

Out the Shop WindoW~~~~



My Cousin Adjusting the Color Wheel for the Aluminum Tree

Good Morning~~~~;p

Taking a Shot


a defender pays the price for an attempted steal

Artesian Well Feeding Gov. Hogg's Bath

Rear View Mirror Chotskies~~~

Lake View (April 14, 2007)

Golf Course View (April 13, 2007)

don't look back (into the future EP)

Sunshine Over Dog Lake, Lake Jackson, Texas

four-eyed freak [machine head remix]



baby…baby….baby….light my way (blue sky remix)

elysium - part II [Explored]

Date with a Margarita...

GooD ThursDaY~~~


JaNuarY in the Park

Texas TuesDaY Sunrise~BaM

TGIF Sunrise~~~


Blue MonDaY~~~


wHaT~~See wHaT...

into the Woods

eNd of the DaY~~~~

West Columbia TX

MonDaY MonDaY•••

Good ThursDaY~~~

"It's a very Fragile World, she told us, so Walk carefully eVerYwhere You go & We Promised to reMember for as LoNg as We couLd.