Cutting Through Rock

Between a Rock and a Hard Place

Farewell, Zion

Last light . . .

View from the Canyon Overlook Trail

Street Lights of Eternity

Meadows of Heaven

Stars over The Organ, Zion NP

In wilderness I sense the miracle of life, and behind it our scientific accomplishments fade to trivia…[explored]

Court of the Patriarchs

Zion Canyon

The Crack

Virgin First Light

The Watchman at Sunset

The Sentinel and the Court of the Patriarchs

Bonsai Butte

Crossing the River

Mountain of the Sun and a Parking Area (Zion National Park)

Zion's Watchman

*Archangel Falls @ Classic view*

Checkers Anyone!

USA // Utah // Zion Nationalpark

USA // Utah // Zion Nationalpark // Virgin River

USA // Utah // Zion Nationalpark // Virgin River Valley

What nature delivers to us is never stale. Because what nature creates has eternity in it…

A River Runs Through It

Checkerboard Mesa

Watchman of Zion

The Zion Blaze

Zion, Near Watchman

USA // Utah // Zion Nationalpark // Virgin River Bridge

Last rays on The Watchman

Journey to Paradise

Zion, Near Watchman

Angels' Ascent

The Narrows

Zion NP - Checkerboard Mesa

Early Morning in Zion

Shades, colors and textures

Light of Zion

Zion from on High