Exit Tunnel of the Olympic Stadium

Day 2: Accommodation

View of Temple of Zeus from eastern steps, Olympia

The place where some people become great / El lugar donde algunas personas se hacen grandes

View from the Akropolis

Crypt / Cripta

Ancient Olympic stadium at Olympia

Greece, Olympia - aerial view of the historic site

Zeus Column

A Walk in the Park. Greek Style.

Zacharo street view

View of the Temple of Zeus from the Nike of Paionios, Olympia

lens flare

Sunbeams over Olympia.

Αλφειός ποταμός

Olympia (16)


Untitled_Panorama1 B&W ART

Lion water spouts, Temple of Zeus, Olympia, October 2011

Olympic stadium

Olympia (22)

DSC_1159 - Olympie, Temple de Zeus

2877-Ancient Olympus

The Stadium at Ancient Olympia


Greece, Olympia - ruins of Nero’s house

In-wall heating system