Coca-Cola ghost sign - Downtown Clinton, Tennessee

Secrets in the Valley

Solar Eclipse 2017 with a Plane

Fleetwood Coffee Barn - Oliver Springs, Tennessee

A Drone's View

WALL-E Takes a Wrong Turn

Something is about to change

Norfolk & Southern Engine #5037 & Old Railroad Bridge

Domestic Wall

Anderson County, TN Courthouse - Clinton, TN

Ritz Theater - Clinton, TN

Norfolk & Western Class A No. 1218 Crosses Bull Run Creek

Greetings From The Atomic City - Oak Ridge, Tennessee

Clinch River Bridge - Clinton, TN

Market St in Clinton, TN

baloon festival

NS T34, Clinton, TN

baloon festival

View of the Golf Course Behind the Office

Ferrari F430 Scuderia

baloon festival

Radiant Field

Southern Wood

Melton Lake Park6

Sunset at Home

East Tennessee Reflections

L&N 1549, SCL 1969 & 1516

Water-Filtering Manicured Bioswale at a Suburban Shopping Center

L&N 1496 & 4 more

Water-Filtering Manicured Bioswale at a Suburban Shopping Center

L&N C30-7 7051, SD40-2s 1264 & 1271, and SD40 1247

Oak Ridge Sunrise

monday mountain sunrise

Suburban Landscaping, Big Boxes, and Blank Walls

PHanset 5

snowy trees

A Foggy Morning2

lavander ridge

From the Top of Haw Ridge

Storm clouds and sunshine

Field In Fog

Magical Ice Crystalcosm