Robert H. Mollohan-Jefferson Street Bridge at dusk

O the proud city of Fairmont.

Monongah Heroine

Demonic Cat

Tiger Lil

Crystal Snow Ball

Purple Aster

Badly obstructed view of a former hotel that nowadays contains apartments for senior citizens.

Snow Sparkles 3

Mitzi Outtakes 5

Snow Sparkles 2

All In a Row

Snow Sparkles 4

Snow Sparkles 1

BW Snow Sparkles 2

Fairmont, West Virginia

West Fork River Trail

Left Side of the Moon, 04Aug07

Fireflies 2

Fireflies 1

Fireflies 8

Hamilton Round Barn

Barrackville Covered Bridge

Barrackville Covered Bridge

Barrackville Covered Bridge

Hamilton Round Barn

I had a vision of dongnama.

Pavement closely approaches the Monongahela River, because why not. And there is the tall city of Fairmont.

Hamilton Round Barn

Fairmont WV Sunrise

A sidewalk passes among a grass area, in Fairmont.

Nearest Waterfall

Viewing a gray Shop 'n Save through my bangs or eyelashes.

Architectural scenery of a downtown.

step in to the light

Sunrise on the Farm

Skyline of Fairmont, WV

Barrackville Covered Bridge

Hamilton Round Barn

Orchard Oriole in nest