
Tigers Two

Clark Gable and Jean Harlow at Tampa Lowry Park Zoo, Florida

Meerkat Left Profile at Tampa Lowry Park Zoo, Florida

Leaf... (1600th photo)

Rainbow Lorikeet Close-Up at Tampa Lowry Park Zoo, Florida

Wolf's Mona Monkey (Head and Shoulder) at Tampa Lowry Park Zoo, Florida

Painted Stork - Mycteria leucocephala

wooden coasters$ss

Wolf's Mona Monkey With a Searching Look at Tampa Lowry Park Zoo, Florida

What Do You Mean Turtle Soup !

Lettuce lake park

Ripples On The Water

Lettuce Lake Park


Dominant Male Orangutan Head and Shoulders at Tampa Lowry Park Zoo, Florida

On The Edge of Heaven

No No ! WE Evolved From You Humans !

Clouded Leopard Keeping Cool at Tampa Lowry Park Zoo, Florida

Firey Stead

Pickford Sundries

Rust in the Wind

06102013 Storm


~ Grazing ~

Drive-by Florida suburbia.

Sunrise over the lake

The canal behind the pool and tennis courts.

Robber Fly (Efferia apicalis male) eating smaller fly

The River

Golden Morning

Images from 24430 Summer Nights Ct and surrounding Lutz Area

Twilight pond reflection.

Happy Friday everyone....have a great week-end!

Carl Bax

Hillsborough River, Trout Creek Park, Hillsborough County, Florida 2

A good night for haunting.

Spined Green Stink bug (Loxa flavicollis) nymph

Images from 24430 Summer Nights Ct and surrounding Lutz Area