The bee’s-eye view while approaching glory

Really Driftin

Phalenopsis bird’s-eye view

The view from here …

My view inside & out, while heading up to sleep

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The view from inside

Another view of the fly past for Roz Robinson

Another view of the quirky dotting along one side of the petals of St John’s-wort

Commanding view

Luther Marsh Viewing Platform

Calf roping - Rodeo

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Bucking bull - Rodeo

Barrel Racing - Rodeo

Great clouds - Luther Marsh, Grand Valley, Dufferin County, Ontario.

Luther Marsh Conservation

STEER WRESTLING - Grand River Rodeo

Luther Conservation

Touch of Beige

Old Yellow

East Garafraxa Township, Ontario

Purple Rain

Rural landscape with hydro towers - Monticello, Dufferin County, Ontario..

Mellow Yellow

Home Grown

Think Pink

The New Life

Belwood, Centre Wellington, Ontario

Mooooooove Over