Aerial view through the window...

Symbolism taken to infinity

The Mirror of Nyhavn


Lunchtime in Copenhagen

Kastrup, copenhagen

A river with a view (Denmark #39 Copenhagen, Norre Sogade)

When you book a hotel because of architectural reasons....

The pearl of Scandinavia. Copenhagen / Denmark

Kastelsmøllen, Windmill at Kastellet - Copenhagen, Denmark

Axel Towers

By Bispebjerg Station

Ayuntamiento de Copenhague (Dinamarca, 28-6-2008)

Puerto de Copenhague (Dinamarca, 6-6-2015)

Den Lille Havfrue - Copenhagen, Denmark

Martinus Rørbye (1803-1845) - View from the Artist's Window (1825)

Krystallen 2

Streets of Copenhagen

Danish Rooftops

View to Christianshavn

Night in Copenhagen - Denmark

Sunny morning

Rust on rods

An evening in Copenhagen

Minimal Infinity

Time to go...

Nyhavn Sunset


Blue skies, blue puddles

Old timberframed house in Dyrehaven, Charlottenlund, Denmark.

Copenhagen Panorama - The little mermaid

La statua della sirenetta (The little mermaid) - Copenaghen


The place to be

Au pays d'Andersen/In the land of Andersen/I Andersens landet


"Paysage de St Rémy", 1889, Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890), glyptothèque NY Carlsberg, Dantes Plads, Indre By, Copenhague, Danemark

Copenhagen life

Palace hotel, Copenhagen