Friendly Schloß Freckenhorst-1

Schloss Iburg in Autumn 2

Quarry Lengerich,

Schloss Iburg in Autumn 3

Freckenhorst - St. Bonifatius

Warendorf (with a Jaguar XK)

View from Iburg Castle, Bad Iburg

Deer, Bad Iburg

Hagen Wiesental

Schloss Iburg in Autumn 4

Iburg Germany

Teutoburger Wald

288.09, Lienen, 28 april 1990

Schloss Iburg in Autumn



Park Colours

Bad Iburg

VT 03 ET in Lengerich op 3-6-2018

Schloss Iburg in Autumn 7

Schloss Iburg in Autumn 10

A walk in the park

The beautiful landscape of the Teutuburgerwald

Green carpet

Landschaft 03.2016

Lengerich, 27 juni 2010

Schloss Iburg in Autumn 9

Schloss Iburg in Autumn 6