Kitzbühel Alps

Staircase of water, Krimml Austria

Krimml Waterfalls......

Alpine View

The classical view from the summit of Larmkogel (3022m) to the Grossvenediger group

Have a break!

huis in de wolken (HP030637)

Wildkogel Alpine Hiking Area

View from the top of the Königsleiten Chair Lift

Hohe Tauern

krimmler wasserfälle

living in the clouds (HP030636)

Top of the world

The Mountain

Panorama View on Gerlossee

view over the alps

Top of the Brechhorn

The Brechhorn Summit

Alpine Apartment View

Old wheel view

The view during today's lunch break from work...

2016.07.24. Mittersill

2016.07.24. Mittersill

2016.07.24. Mittersill

A rest with a view

2016.07.24. Mittersill

Someday I'll wish upon a star and wake up where the clouds are far Behind me. Where troubles melt like lemon drops, Away above the chimney tops. That's where you'll find me.

Krimmler Achental

somewhere over the rainbow

2016.07.24. Mittersill

Hollersbach im Pinzgau mit Großvenediger | Salzburger Land

The Durlassboden lake at the Gerlospass

Krimml / Tirol (10) / Austria [Explore 06-02-15]

2016.07.24. Mittersill

Tyrolean stream

Rencontre bovine

Unterer Wildalmsee

Unterer Wildalmsee

2016.07.24. Mittersill

Overlooking the Hollersbach valley

Durlaßboden Stausee

krimmler wasserfälle