-428- Wilder Kaiser im Abenddunst - St. Johann - Tirol - Austria

Room with a view

Ein steiler Zahn

Wilder Kaiser Mountains

I think it might have snowed yesterday

wilden kaiser


Kitzbüheler Altstadt

View from the Wildseeloderspitze

View from the Wildseeloderspitze

View from the Wildseeloderspitze

Beautiful winter


Abendlicht über Going am Wilden Kaiser

Spring is coming..

daily balcony view

Kitzbüheler Horn panorama

Wilder Kaiser

St. Johann in Tirol

Kitzbuhel Horn

daily balcony view

It's Going (on)

Tyrol Beauties

Lake above Kitzbuhel, Austria

Wilder Kaiser - Blick von Bernleiten -- Tyrol

Schloss Münichau

Sciatori sulla neve

ÖBB 1116.174 | Fieberbrunn (AT) 2.11.2014

ÖBB 1116.076 | Fieberbrunn (AT) 2.11.2014

OBB 1116 037

ÖBB 1144.040 Kitzbühel (2845)

ÖBB 1144.040 Kitzbühel (2811)

Kitzbüheler Horn

ÖBB 1016.016 Kitzbühel (2838)


ÖBB 1116.222 "The Red Bulletin" Fieberbrunn (2830)