the Infinity

the other view

Rosa Rose


Sponheim - St. Martin und Maria

Panorama of Waldböckelheim

ice garland

Bad Kreuznach, Panoramaweg, Blick zur Pauluskirche (panoramic route, view of the St. Paul's Church)

tears don't fall

misty morning

addicting view

Bad Kreuznach, Blick von der Quellenhofbrücke (view from the Quellenhof bridge)


midnight swimming event

Bad Kreuznach, Kaiser-Wilhelm-Strasse, Blick über die Nahe zur Quellenhofbrücke (view over the Nahe to the Quellenhof bridge)

Rhine and Moselle Valleys.April 11 138

View over Bad Münster am Stein

monastery ebernburg with rape field

Bad Münster am Stein-Ebernburg

Bad Kreuznach, Rhineland-Palatinate (state of germany), Heilig-Kreuz-Kirche, la chiesa di Santa Croce, la iglesia de la Santa Cruz, l'église de la Sainte-Croix, church of the Holy Cross (Wilhelmstraße)

Bad Kreuznach; Rhineland-Palatinate (state of Germany), St. Nikolaus, chiesa parrocchiale di San Nicola di Bari, iglesia parroquial de San Nicolás de Bari, l'église paroissiale du Saint Nicolas de Myre, parish church of Saint Nicholas, Mikołaj z Mirycolás

Field Flowers Wheat

we are rivers

because somewhere underneath, a part of us stayed like that

sweet autumn

look me in the eye, say that again

i feel the pain and it feels good, i knew it would

it's starting again

wine region

just passing through

and life doesn't stop for anybody

this is a gift, it comes with a price

wildflower paradise

no one tells you that it is okay not to know

i forgot to rewind the film before opening...

kirn stone quarry

Autumn Comes

some last attempts

strengthening roots

dir noch eine antwort schuldig bleibt

and it's haunting me but i feel fine

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