"Ann Arbor Walkabout; October 1, 2019"

Trimmed for "Go"

Fall Colors Views! P1130570 [October 14, 2012!]

Colorful Views! P1130568 "Autumn Colors!" [ October 19, 2012 ]

Balancing Act

Cold Morning

*hail to the conquering heroes*

Fox Squirrels in Ann Arbor at the University of Michigan during my "Squirrel Run" - 106/2020 309/P365Year12 4326/P365all-time (April 15, 2020)

The State Theatre in Ann Arbor, Michigan

Double Monarchs

Water Views! P1130542 "Huron River III!"

The year end

Goose Down

Belted Kingfisher - Megaceryle alcyon

Eastern Wood-pewee - Contopus virens

Monarch Migration

Common Merganser Pair

Trumpeter Swan resting

16/366/4033 (June 27, 2019) - Fox Squirrels & Friends on a Summer Day at the University of Michigan - June 27th, 2019

Autumn Play

UM 001


Summer Work

Van Buren Park - Belleville, Michigan

Loonfeather Point Park - Ford Lake - Ypsilanti, Mi.

Sailing towards the unknown - Voguer vers l'inconnu

And the skies parted...

Sunset over the Huron River

Winter Peace

Fronds (straight version)

"Michigan 'Gator Swamp"

Hyundai Tech Center

Sunset at the barn at High Point School, Ann Arbor, MI

Island Park


Michigan Fields of Corn

209/365/3496 (January 6, 2018) - Cold Winter's Day at Curtis Park (Saturday January 6th, 2018 - Saline, Michigan)

Collapsing Barn off Scio Church Rd. , Ann Arbor, MI

Time stands still...

Other side of Same barn as a couple of photos back

Squirrels in Ann Arbor at the University of Michigan (May 29th, 2018)