Southern Serenity

Jacksonville, Isaiah 40:31

1930 Duesenberg - Fred Frame Side-Winder

A Slave's View

Down the Industrial Line...

Amelia Island hotel view

Kingsley Plantation, View of Rear of House

Slave Cabin Ruins, Kingsley Plantation

Kingsley Plantation House

Main House, Kingsley Plantation

View from Ritz-Carlton Room, Amelia Island, FL

Palm Pit Viper Coiled on a Rock at the Jacksonville Zoo

The Islands Break

Approaching Storms

view from the room

Wood Stork Carrying Nesting Material

Wood Stork Approaching the Nest

If the water could talk

Livingstone's Turaco Portrait


Ebb and flow

Sunset on the South End, Amelia Island, Florida

Look out for Trout!

Railfan's dream

First Light

Ft. Caroline, Jacksonville, Job 12:22

Ft. Caroline, Jacksonville, 2 Corinthians 6:7

Lovely Morning @ Jax!


Sunrise at American Beach, Amelia Island, Florida

inspecting dawn

Shades of Green

Beneath the Sky

A few forest scenes.

South End Sojourn, Amelia Island, Florida


Camera Roll-193

Camera Roll-187

Dead President