Mom and Daughter

Metallic Pennant (female)- Aripeka Sandhills Preserve

Fishing at Sunset - Hudson FL (Gulf of Mexico)

Going for a Swim

I have been to the top..

Sandhill Clubtail (male)- Aripeka Sandhills Preserve

On the Swing

Brown Pelican, Hudson Beach

I have been to the top..

Little Blue Heron- Hudson Beach

I have been to the top..

Sandhill Clubtail (male)- Aripeka Sandhills Preserve

Taking in the view

Atrium view @ Gaylord Palms

Band-winged Dragonlet (male)- Veteran's Memorial Park

Unlikely Partners- Aripeka Sandhills Preserve (Scoliid wasp and Odontocornyus sp weevil)

I have been to the top..

I have been to the top..

Little Blue Heron- Hudson Beach

Red-veined Pennant (immature male)- Aripeka Sandhills Preserve

A Bug's View

Daily gift

Gulf Sunset [Explored]

Florida Walkabout

Lazy Chair Hair Cuts

Florida Walkabout

Florida Walkabout

Florida Grove

Florida Walkabout

Cicada KIller (Sphecius speciosus)

confederate troops

Signal Cove Canals, Hudson, FL

Gulf Shores

Sandhill Crane Colt- Weekiwachee Preserve

Today's walkabout


Bar-winged Skimmer

Today's walkabout

Nature Coast

Manatee in a Canal