
Via Verde

View to Alcaudete - snow

View to Alcaudete from Baena

La Acamuña

Castillo de Locubin

Castillo de Locubin

Castillo de Locubin

Pantano Vadomojón

Aguas serenas

Reflejos,Texturas y Colores

Entre brumas

Panorámica comarca alcaudetense

Mar de olivos al atardecer

Mountains on the road from Cordoba and Granada - Alcaudete Castle

Roadtrip Sevilla Cordoba Granada

Sierra Nevada

Mountains on the road from Cordoba and Granada

Mountains on the road from Cordoba and Granada

Mountains on the road from Cordoba and Granada

Mountains on the road from Cordoba and Granada - Alcaudete Castle

Jaén - Alcaudete 37 35' 9 -4 6' 31

Granada mountain

Another deserted farmhouse

On the Road to Granada (Alcaudete)

Luque in the mist

Route des Kalifats

El Esparragal