32 Minutes over Michigan

When justice and mercy prevail, children may safely play

Kalamazoo Skyline

Basketball Hoop

Wonders Never Will Cease

This Morning's View from Our Hotel

Kalamazoo Scene

Bird's eye view of a shiny toilet

Vester Davis of Grand Haven Networks at the Michigan Municipal Executives 2017 Winter Institute in Kalamazoo

Kalamazoo Nature Center ~ HFF!

"The means by which we live have outdistanced the ends for which we live. Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power. We have guided missiles and misguided men."

"The secret to living contently and sanely in this modern world is to... find the beautiful in the ugly - but don't get confused which is which."

Community Presbyterian Church

The American View

Genesis and Type-Gs

GR&I Station in Kalamazoo: 4

Since you've been gone

All Quiet at BO Tower

View Down Michigan Avenue

Harlequin Duck

Amtrak 351

Time to head back to the car

Wolf Lake State Fish Hatchery

Sunday Snow

The Bar Code of Asylum Lake Preserve

Trees dance when they think that no one is watching

Kalamazoo, Michigan

Don't ever look back good days ahead

Stone Totems

A sapphire in the woods

The sassafras changes first

Heritage Hall

Looking West

Days Like These II

Wolf Tree Nature Trail

The Henderson Castle

Yes, yes I was standing in the middle of the creek ????

The Stuart Avenue Inn Bed & Breakfast

Abandoned Wastewater Treatment Facility

Asylum Lake Preserve