Holy Trinity Monastery, mt. Olympus, Greece

View to Skolio peak from Scala on our way to the highest point in Greece, Mount Olympus (Explored 01-Sep-19)

Early morning from refuge C, Mount Olympus

Early morning view from refuge A (refuge Spilios Agapitos) on Mount Olympus, Greece

Refuge C, Mount Olympus, Greece

Early morning from refuge C, Stefani peak, Mount Olympus

Early morning view from above refuge A (refuge Spilios Agapitos) on Mount Olympus, Greece

Early morning from refuge C, Stefani peak, Mount Olympus

Early morning view from above refuge A (refuge Spilios Agapitos) on Mount Olympus, Greece

Αρχαιλογικό πάρκο ΔΙΟΝ-360 μοίρες / 360 degrees of DION archaelogical park

Early morning from refuge C, Stefani peak, Mount Olympus

Early morning view from refuge A (refuge Spilios Agapitos) on Mount Olympus, Greece

Everyone at refuge C, Mount Olympus

Ivo on the way to Mount Olympus' summit, Mytikas, Greece

Early morning from refuge C, Mount Olympus

Early morning from refuge C, Stefani peak, Mount Olympus

Early morning view from above refuge A (refuge Spilios Agapitos) on Mount Olympus, Greece

View to Skolio peak from Scala on our way to the highest point in Greece, Mount Olympus

Miche at refuge C, Mount Olympus

Rising from the ruins

Mt Olympus from outskirts of Litochoro, 1988 (3 photos)

Enipeas Valley

The Boat of Zeus

Lovely Creek at Mount Olympus

Wooden Bridge Crossing Enipeas

Mount Olympus








Mount Olympus

Mountain of Gods

Enipeas Canyon (2 of 2)

Creations Of An Ancient Shape

Lost Words

End of the road

Mount Olympus

Hiking @Mount Olympus