equal mind

leading the way

Winter's ending.

grey vision

Hochschwab view

Das grüne Herz Österreichs / The green heart of Austria

Grüner See

golden autumn

's Beisl

Pfarrerteich / Pastor's pond

Green Lake

Aflenzer Staritzen

Hochschwab, Hohe Weichsel

Hochschwab, Hohe Weichsel

Mountain View

Bruck an der Mur, Stadtpfarrkirche, 15th-century Gothic church

View from my window on a rainy day

news & rumours... >>

kraftwerk bruck an der mur

View on Tonion

View on Tonion

Beautiful sunset

The rock wall on the Brunnalm

Hochschwab / Austria

When the clouds have suddenly parted...

Happy Cows

Schiestlhaus am Hochschwab 2156m

Eastern Alps near Aflenz Kurort

Wetterkogel (2055m)

"See how they shine, Diamond Roads"

Memories - "Grüner See" - Green lake.

Häuslalm, Hochschwab

Sunset from Veitschalpe

lay your head up on my pillows

Shadows of Clouds

the first signs

When Evening Falls