Lilies in the Water at Sunset

Slender Baskettail (male)- Conner Preserve

Gray-green Clubtail (female)- Cypress Creek Preserve

Red Saddlebags (male)- Conner Preserve

Just Drying Out

What Do You Mean Turtle Soup !

Red-shouldered Hawk- Wesley Chapel, Florida


Brown Anole, Cypress Creek Preserve

Lettuce lake park

SX-70 Alpha 1 fail?

SX-70 New Film

Florida Storms

Lettuce Lake Park

This Ain't Pretty

Roseate Skimmer (immature male)- Cypress Creek Preserve

Kyle Sprague & Fred McGriff

Thanksgiving Sunset

River View

Florida Storms

My very first picture to reach 1,000 views yippee!!

Great Crested flycatcher (Myiarchus crinitus)

06102013 Storm


sous la pluie battante...

The Tree Spirit

Cypress trees on the flooded river bank

John Deere Tractor, Land of Lakes Blvd, Land of Lakes, FL

Mon voyage bleu (où la rivière m'amène)

sérénité sous la pluie battante

On a chilly, wintry morn...

Hillsborough River Rapids

Hillsborough River Rapids

Hillsborough River Rapids

Farm living

A good night for haunting.

Hillsborough River, Trout Creek Park, Hillsborough County, Florida 2

Sunrise over the lake

River Reflections

Young Gator