Kras plateau autumn colors

Kras plateau autumn colors

Between the clouds

Road to the next destination, Karst, Slovenia

Kras plateau autumn colors

Štanjel - landscape

Kras plateau autumn colors

Kras plateau autumn colors

Zemono manor house

Zemono manor house arcades

Poppy field

2015-05-12 Stanjel

Zemono manor house arcades

Zemono manor house arcades

Zemono manor house

Zemono manor house

Kras architecture

pequeña escena

Red& green

Against the storm

Showing off

Vineyard in Autumn late afternoon

The top view 1

Swinging in the wind

Autumn is coming

The sun is gone

Growing wheat field, springtime green. Invigorating body, mind and soul. Hopefully not ( yet ) Triticum Monte Santum !!! Who knows ?

Wide view

Almost sunset

Autumn geometry

Loqua - 41

.rich wood.

Last rays

Waiting for warm season

Trstelj 2008 - 26

Fields in the valley