Sky over Mt Roland

Vintage McLaren

View from the ledge

Seat with a view

as evening falls

View of Devonport

Mt Roland afternoon

Mt Roland reflection

Mt Roland dusk

Sticking Out. Grass Trigger Plant, Stylidium graminifolium, Latrobe, Tasmania, Australia

View from the cockpit

Mersey Bluff Lighthouse, Devonport_img 0216

View from Badgers Range

Tasmanian Nativehen (Tribonyx mortierii)

Lever Frame

Sheffield region panorama

Feb-Mar 1909 - "LIGHTHOUSE, MERSEY BLUFF, DEVONPORT TAS", Tasmania, Australia (restored duotone version)

Trains In Tasmania - New THFY Cement Hopper

If the price is right

Stena Concert

Forest Raven (Corvus tasmanicus tasmanicus)

parting spirit

Aiming for Andromeda

Mt Roland countryside

Mt Roland Sunrise

Mt Roland sunrise

Milky Way over Mt Roland

Mersey Bluff Lighthouse

Steampunk 3

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Mt Roland and Ripples

Mersey Bluff, Devonport, Tasmania (1)

Forth, Tasmania.

The magic of steam

Mersey Bluff, Devonport, Tasmania (3)

From Braddon's Lookout, Forth, Tasmania