This view at this moment. 4am alarms are worth it.

Siitan again. Placid waters. #revisit #region2 #quirino #quirinoprovince #itsmorefuninthephilippines #rivercruise #rockformation #placid #serene #itsmorefuninquirino #visitphilippines #discovertheundiscovered #ilocano #boat #boating

Kusimay for today's lunch #KonaCrabs

Out in the sun. Kabakiran feels #wandering

Hargshhh.???????????? Mood swings

Deee..not so throwback.

Pamplona, Cagayan

Owhooahhhh....punta ko school.... OK.haha

OTW to civilization (manila)#bye for now my beloved home town#see yah nxt yir if God's will#im with my 2 sisie#selfietym♥♥♥

Love the blue sky♥♥♥#and the warm heat of the sun#it's more fun in cagayan valley♥♥♥