Traveling Andes

Alpaca at the highest plateau / market stop

The Altiplano or High Plains, Peru

Alone with the mountains / Наедине с горами

The snows of Chimboya / Снега Чимбойи

la Raya Pass Peru Cuzco - Puno panoramic mountain view

The palette of the Altiplano / Палитра Альтиплано

Watershed - The Station at Abra La Raya

View from the observation car

Views from the Andean Explorer Train travelling through the Andes Peru South America


Views from the Andean Explorer Train travelling through the Andes Peru South America

Raya pass - 4335m

Views from the Andean Explorer Train travelling through the Andes Peru South America

Views from the Andean Explorer Train travelling through the Andes Peru South America







Abra La Raya | Peru

Palette of Altiplano / Палитра Альтиплано

The sky over the Altiplano / Небо над Альтиплано

Col à 4000m

Political (dis)affiliation.

Iglesia Señor de la Caña. Layo, Peru.

IM5_1424 kopiëren

Canchis, Peru

Palette of Altiplano / Палитра Альтиплано

La Raya Pass Peru Titicaca train from Cuzco to Puno altiplano

Khunurana (5420m)

The highlands

Tiempos Modernos

Peru-Bolivien-Chile - DSD_2943.jpg

Abra La Raya (4335m)