“4:16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel”

Sand's bath

The colours that I like

Waiting for the Summer..

Looking at the Shadows

A Gift from the Sea

What do you love?

Beach or River?

Convento do Varatojo - Portugal ????????

Rolling... and Rolling...

Igreja de A dos Cunhados

A glimpse of Vacation Life

View from my window

Convento do Varatojo - Portugal

Throne of the Seas

São Lourenço, Portugal

Penedo do Guincho, Santa Cruz - Portugal

Never a fishermen need there be If fishes could hear as well as see

353/365: Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment

But to me nothing - the negative, the empty - is exceedingly powerful

Oceano (não muito) Pacífico / (not that much) Pacific Ocean

These dark days...

Borrelho grande de coleira - Charadrius hiaticula - Common ringed plover

If you do not have hope, you will not find what is beyond your hopes

The Simple Things

Laws of Attraction

Whispers of a Moment

West Coast

Streaks of Fire

Panorama of Maceira