Roof view - highway bridge, tunnel and river. Night shot long exposure HDR

景在大稻埕 Dadaocheng Wharf / Taipei, Taiwan

麗夜正起 ~Night view @ 台北市,信義區 Xinyi metropolitan District , Taipei~

The lake around my home 臺北碧湖公園

霧島仙山 Mist Island ~五指山 Wuzhi Mountain, Night view with Advection fog @ Taipei City~

劍潭山 老地方 全景

Taipei sunset

Pano View 日暮黃雲千里昏

2014_05_08_1DX_2870 | In Explore

假想畫境 ~內湖大湖公園,Dawn @ Dahu Park, Neihu, Teipei ~

The World of Waterdrop

林口仁愛觀景台 - 台北夜景

雨季裡的福安夏夜 Shezi / Taipei, Taiwan

Taipei by night

忘了 ~五指山 Wuzhi Mountain, Night view with Light Fog @ Taipei City~

餘火 @大稻埕

光耀大稻埕 IMG_1551

蒼谷,悠鳴 ~汐止,五指山 Wuzhi Mountain Crepuscular rays of New Taipei City~

昨夜重陽橋 Chong-Yang Bridge / Taipei, Taiwan

Park 碧湖公園

客家跨堤平台 Hakka Cross-Dike Platform, Taipei

Da-Hwu Park,Taipei,Taiwan

期待 ~新店,(舊)台大安康農改場 Paddy field~

2014.8.15 忠孝碼頭日出晨彩


Taipei 101,Taiwan

Sometimes you just have to pick yourself up and carry on~

重陽橋暮色 IMG_3827

At the Roadside 人生易盡朝露曦


社子島福安碼頭 Shezi, Taipei

社子島福安碼頭 Shezi, Taipei


2012_11_03_091 | In Explore


邊騎邊拍#taipei #taiwan #sky

Sleeping with Fog 望外遙山宿霧輕

2012 Day6 (204)

台北大直橋 Da-Zhi Bridge, Taipei

