Fuji from Kirigamine

Strong wind and Dynamic cloud

Snow make

Mt. Norikura above a cloud

Snowy Kuruma-Yama

Two mountain ranges

evening view

Suwa City Night View


阿弥陀岳 | Mt. Amida

Life in Between

Down view of snowy lava plateau

Down view of snowy lava plateau 2

View of Lake Shirokomaike

Fine Sunshine (5)

' ' ビーナスライン沿いのレンゲツツジ #nagano #長野 #信州 #ビーナスライン #霧ヶ峰 #レンゲツツジ #初夏 #新緑 #team_jp_ #jp_views2nd #jp_views #gf_japan #igersjp #igersjp_ #ig_japan #ig_nippon #wu_japan #loves_nippon #japanfocus #icu_japan #wonderful_places #team_jp_東 長野 #team_jp_skyart #jp_view

' ' 清泉寮のソフトクリーム♫ #yamanashi #山梨 #北杜 #清里 #清泉寮 #ソフトクリーム #team_jp_ #jp_views2nd #jp_views #gf_japan #igersjp #igersjp_ #ig_japan #ig_nippon #wu_japan #loves_nippon #japanfocus #icu_japan #wonderful_places #team_jp_東 山梨

Fine view of Mr. Fuji from Mt. Amigasa

Fine view of Mt. Fuji from Mt. Amigasa

Views from Hakushu Whiskey Museum "Yasutagatake" (Hokuto, Yamanashi, Japan)

Views from Hakushu Whiskey Museum "Yatsugatake" (Hokuto, Yamanashi, Japan)

Winter morning Fuji

Autumn Stream

Deep Forest

The rapid drift of the fuzzy gas

Good morning Sunday!

Sunrise at the Mononoke Forest

From the gap of trees 3

Completely frozen Lake Suwa

Beyond the tree

autumn reflections in Mishagaike.


Tsuboniwa close to sky

Rainy forest

Lighting to the darkness

the quiet of the early morning.

Three mountaintops

Dawn of the plateau

Blue and White