Autumn Play

Trumpeter Swan resting

Depot Town, Ypsilanti, Michigan

Red-breasted Merganser - immature male

Trimmed for "Go"

Sunday Afternoon Cruise (2)

Ann Arbor

Abstract-Ghosting Trails

Misty Tracks

Cold Morning

Bee and Flower

Night View in Ann Arbor

Sunday Afternoon Cruise

Home in the Country

First National Building

Neighborhood Moon

Mallard in Flight

Salem Evangelical Lutheran of Scio Township

Double Monarchs

Goose Down

Belted Kingfisher - Megaceryle alcyon



Island Park

Sunrise in Ann Arbor

After the Fog


Parker Mill

Sunset near Ann Arbor, Michigan

Summer Work

Greenook Lake

Sunset at the barn at High Point School, Ann Arbor, MI

Winter Peace

Kindred Feeling

Collapsing Barn off Scio Church Rd. , Ann Arbor, MI

Fade to Winter

Good morning @gamersoutreach @lanfest

Sunrise in Ann Arbor

something special (65/100)

Gallup Park Sunset

Fetch = Favorite Thing