Split, Breach, Chasm, Chink, Cleavage, Cleft, Crack, Damage, Division, Fissure, Gap, Rent, Rift, Rima, Rimation, Rime, Rip, Rupture, Separation, Slash, Slit & Tear

Animas, Southwestern View

Dunes med shot view of wash

Not South Enough

Shiprock at Dusk MG_8067

Low Light Test

IMG_9272 A View From The Frisbee Golf Course.

Unflexable Man

This Isn't Bosque del Apache, We're Lost Harold

Badlands Hillside

Farmington Bluffs

Bloody Knees

San Juan Generating Station in New Mexico

LaPlata Mountains of Colorado, seen from Farmington, New Mexico

Mud Castles

Animas Bosque

Ages Under a Vast Sky


Big Sky

Sunrise at the #coalash impoundment...


New Mexico Natural Arch NM-450 Nan's Arch


New Mexico Natural Arch NM-450 Nan's Arch

Dunes wideshot

Inviting Bench

Fall on the lower Animas River

Snow - 12/19/12