Chateau at Sommières-du-Clain

view from a willow

Rotoballe - reunion 2


Two - another view

DSC01376 Panoramic view looking south from the viaduc.

Barbary macaque at La Vallée des Singes

Goats at La Vallée des Singes

Golden-headed lion tamarin at La Vallée des Singes

DSC01375 Panoramic view. Looking south from the viaduc, L'Isle-Jourdain.

Ring-tailed lemurs at La Vallée des Singes

Silvery marmoset at La Vallée des Singes

DSC01378 Panoramic view from the viaduc,L'Isle-Jourdain.

DSC01380 A panoramic view looking north from the viaduc,L'Isle-Jourdain

Red-faced black spider monkey at La Vallée des Singes

Black-and-white ruffed lemur at La Vallée des Singes

Gorilla at La Vallée des Singes

The good old days 2

Chimpanzee at La Vallée des Singes

Crowned lemur at La Vallée des Singes

Baby barbary macaque at La Vallée des Singes

Sunrise Kingfisher Lake 2

a farmer's work is never done

Running man -3675-2

Storm shed

Champs 3

Champs 4


furrows & blossom

Few minutes after birth

long du chemin

Champs 2

Ferrari's parade

Champs 1

spring in the fields

un après-midi d'hiver à St Martin l'Ars

la Charente en hiver


Male Broad-bodied Chaser 1