High Above and Far Away

New Jersey

Backlit at Lake Grinnell

storm ahead

Pochuck Creek_0652

Pochuck Creek_0629

Pochuck Creek_0626

High Point Autumn Foliage

The Decline of Dairy 8

Sussex Rail Trail_3318

High Point State Park_0222


High Point State Park_0214

Sussex Rail Trail_3316

First Full moon of the Spring Season. I was waiting for the moon to rise sitting on my parents front porch. camera poised on tripod, telephoto lens attached with a great point of view. This shot was one of the gems of the moon itself, so i uploaded, proce

High Point State Park views from the summit

Sussex Rail Trail_3317

Sussex Rail Trail_3311-3314

Bike Ride View

A Bug's Life

Mint Chocolate Chip

High Point in Fall

A Sign of Things to Come

Sunflower Sunday

Uncertain Skies Over Wallkill.jpg

High Point Symmetry

Choosing a natural Christmas Tree?....... It's the best thing we can do

Wallkill River Owen's Station Crossing_6385-6387

Wallkill River Owen's Station Crossing_6379-6382

Summer Stalks


Sweet Sunflower Sunset

Because Life Must Go On

Autumn Light-2.jpg

Franklin Pond 8

Yellow and red trees on an island

"The Photographer"