Ingatorp Old Church, Småland, Sweden

Norra Kvill Nationalpark - Schweden

Rock crevices in the forest floor ... Here I met a couple of Swedish Gnomes, who told me that we should be very much better to fit on our mother earth

Apple Tree

Rumskullaeken / Kvilleken

An apple each day...

Rumskullaeken, Småland

Hjorten, Småland

Lake Hjorten, Småland

Forest of Light

Ingatorp, Småland

Lönneberga, Småland


Hjorten ,Småland

Lönneberga, Småland

Geocaching vid Bråneholm

norra kvills

Hjorten ,Småland

småland scenery

Sparassis crispa, Småland

Södra Kvill ,Småland

Rumskulla, Småland