A daliha in my garden

The good old days are now. (Tom Clancy)

Paulowina Procession

The Wider View

Welcome Swallow (Hirundo neoxena neoxena)

Old Windsor Post Office

Moon rise (view large) || Long Neck Lagoon

Grey Strangers

Magpie-lark (Grallina cyanoleuca neglecta)

Scarlet Myzomela (Myzomela sanguinolenta)

Rainbow Lorikeet (Trichoglossus moluccanus)

Welcome Swallow (Hirundo neoxena neoxena)

Blue-faced Honeyeater (Entomyzon cyanotis cyanotis)

Blue-faced Honeyeater (Entomyzon cyanotis cyanotis)

At the museum ** Explored **

Fire Front (Hawkesbury 2013)

Welcome Swallow (Hirundo neoxena neoxena)

Laughing Kookaburra (Dacelo novaeguineae novaeguineae)

Variegated Fairywren (Malurus lamberti)

Blue-faced Honeyeater (Entomyzon cyanotis cyanotis)

Red-rumped Parrot (Psephotus haematonotus haematonotus)

Distant Jacarandas

Yellow Rock

509A7565 - Nepean River Weir Penrith

Joined at the Hip? ~ (3/3)

Sunset over the Weir, Penrith NSW Australia

Richmond Woodlands


Dark Dreams

Fire in the Sky

A smokey sunset

Line of clouds

Does SIZE Matter? (1/3)

Sports Sedans @ Muscle Car (4/9)

FORD Powerspray (1/3)

Paulownia Gold

Nepean River Penrith-0072

Hawkesbury River

Misty Woodlands

Penrith sunset 13th Jan 12