eBird Doc Shot: Ruddy Turnstone

Northern Shrike (bright)

eBird Doc Shot: Franklin's Gull

eBird Doc Shot: Red-necked Grebes

eBird Doc Shot: Tundra Swans

eBird Doc Shot: Common Loon

Pink-footed Geese (Bald Eagle SP)!!!

eBird Doc Shot: Franklin's Gull


Nelson's Sparrow Documentation Shot, Frog Pond, Bald Eagle SP, Centre Co., PA, 10/11/14

eBird Doc Shot: Franklin's Gull

eBird Doc Shot: Marbled Godwit

Nelson's Sparrow (2 of 2), Curtin Wetlands, Centre Co., PA, 10/21/14

Nelson's Sparrow (1 of 2), Curtin Wetlands, Centre Co., PA, 10/21/14

eBird Doc Shot: Willets

eBird Doc Shot: Green Heron

Pink-footed Geese, Bald Eagle State Park, Centre Co., PA, 3/21/14

eBird Doc Shot: Common Redpoll

At peace...

eBird Doc Shot: tern sp.

Marsh Creek barn...

Nittany Valley (4)

View from our room at Bald Eagle State Park

gray hairstreak, ventral view

Changing my perspective

Way to the Light.

When You Got Nothing, You Got Nothing To Lose

Bald Eagle State Park

Bald Eagle State Park

Bald Eagle State Park

hay bales in the Poconos

Bald Eagle State Park

Foster Joseph Sayers Dam

Foster Joseph Sayers Lake

Foster Joseph Sayers Lake

Foster Joseph Sayers Dam

Foster Joseph Sayers Lake

Foster Joseph Sayers Dam

Bald Eagle State Park

Bald Eagle Creek Downstream of Foster J. Sayers Dam

Bald Eagle Creek Downstream of Foster J. Sayers Dam

Bald Eagle State Park