Radar Love

White Goose On A Foggy Morning

Art Bench - "Proud Souls"

Sunset Reflections

Bridge Light

Anadarko Clouds

Texas Says Farewell to 41

Texas Says Farewell to 41

Great Blue in Flight

Tracks of Time

The woodpecker woods

Side View (1.8.13)

Look What I Made!

You Can't Fence the Light... HFF!!!

Petals & Sepals: Best Buds

down, a little to the left, that's it!

Muscovy Family

Rose Gentian

Amberwing on a Leaf

Mirror Mirror

Jupiter & Moon After Sunset

Hughes Landing

Tranquility Through Willow Window

Middle Lake

Texas Longhorn - Here's Looking at y'all!!!!

Sunday Sunset

'today's forecast...bokeh-licious!'

Sunset over water

Gulf Fritillary & Flowers

Fore for four!

more longhorn cows

Congressional Medal of Honor for US Marines and Sailors from Texas

Splashtown USA

horses in a field

smoke over water

Family Christmas pictures at Market Street, The Woodlands Texas

Rose of Thanks!!!

Having Lunch

Wild Wave Pool

Eastern Pondhawk (Erythemis simplicicollis) M

Surface Swirls