365/365 - Looking to the Future

Pioneer Hall at Pleasant Hill Academy - Pleasant Hill, Tennessee

Abandoned Home - Mayland, Tennessee

Imperial Hotel (2011 view) - Monterey, TN

Bee Rock

306/365 - Bee Rock in Monterey, TN

Fall Colors from Below

74/365 - Monterey Water Tower

Snow Covered Bee Rock

Monterey, TN Train Depot

My evening point of view #tennessee #mountains #leaves #country #trees #fall

Pentagrams in Witches Cemetery

South Sparta Valley

Tennessee Farm Country in the Fall

What's Around the Next Corner


Song Sparrow-9Feb13

Washington, DC and Virginia


Ruby-throated Hummingbird male

Toaday's pictures

Hidden Hollow, Cookeville, Tn

Waterfall - Love

Chipping Sparrow-8apr13

2014-04-04 18.53.05

Waterfall & Love Neon Sign

Ruby-throated Hummingbird male 2

Upper Falls