L apres tempete/After the snow storm

Chenille / caterpillar

Mackenzie King Sunset

Alexandria Bridge

Carbide Willson Ruins

Balises / Beacon

Forty Seven

Parkway Lights

Cathédrale Notre Dame Ottawa

Rideau Falls

Dead Calm

des gouttelettes...

Manduca quinquemaculata

Iris and Orton modification

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The Railway (okay, not rly)

~ Balcony Sky ~

A flower to my Flickr friends for the new year/Pour vous mes ami(e)s sur Flickr pour cette nouvelle année

Champlain Bridge

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Evening Rooftop Shot

Urban Farm

La rose noire/ The black rose


Ile Kettle

Le coucher du soleil

Tuli Tuli Tulipan

Rideau Falls

So Cold

~ Urban Waters ~

Mosaika: Sound and Light Show on Parliament Hill

River view.

Riviere Outaouais- Ottawa

Roof Top Shot

Spring Forest

Autumn in Gatineau

The Wilson Mill

~ Urban Flow ~

Gatineau River- Rivière Gatineau

Dusk Ahead