Custom Built

Rolling Thunder

Abandoned Cookstown Diner - XVI

Forever Marilyn by Seward Johnson - XIX

Day 30

Northern Lapwing

Forever Marilyn by Seward Johnson - XVII

Forever Marilyn by Seward Johnson - XV

Confrontational Vulnerability


Forever Marilyn by Seward Johnson - XVIII

NJ - Hamilton: Grounds for Sculpture - Seward Johnson: The Retrospective - Unconditional Surrender

Trenton 1

Mill Hill lamp post

Trenton makes..the world takes

Fall at Crystal Lake

Sandhill Crane (Grus canadensis)

Stick Your Neck Out

Stone Window

View From Today's Office 4

View from my table at Rats Restaurant IMAG0322 LR Edit

Storm Above Trenton


Non-Tidal Delaware River Juvenile American Shad Monitoring

AMTK 616

Delaware River

Grounds For Sculpture - Hamilton, NJ


Grounds For Sculpture - Hamilton, NJ

Fog at the Lake 42/365

"God Bless America" by Seward Johnson

Grounds for Sculpture

Grounds for Sculpture - 25

Harvest over

Rising Sun Lake

Earlier shots


Picture 241

Grounds for sculpture

Sky Road Water

Escape into Nothing