View to Split Solitary Island, North Sapphire Beach , Coffs Harbour, NSW
"Coffs Harbour Jetty Pre Dawn - Coffs Harbour, NSW. (3 of 3). Fuji Velvia 50 pushed to its exposure limits. Jan 1st 2016. Make sure to view my full profile page to see the complete image in grid view. f22 @ 1 Second. Fotoman 617 Medium Format Film Camera.
∞Mutton Bird Island∞
"Coffs Harbour Jetty Pre Dawn - Coffs Harbour, NSW. (2 of 3). Fuji Velvia 50 pushed to its exposure limits. Jan 1st 2016. Make sure to view my full profile page to see the complete image in grid view. f22 @ 1 Second. Fotoman 617 Medium Format Film Camera.
White Bluff views
"Coffs Harbour Jetty Pre Dawn - Coffs Harbour, NSW. (1 of 3). Fuji Velvia 50 pushed to its exposure limits. Jan 1st 2016. Make sure to view my full profile page to see the complete image in grid view. f22 @ 1 Second. Fotoman 617 Medium Format Film Camera.
View to Split Solitary Island, North Sapphire Beach , Coffs Harbour, NSW
View of Coffs Harbour from Sealy lookout
FOV Classic Blue
City Centre
New Dawn Flower
Aqualuna - view
White Bluff views
Kate - Stairs
View from the Bottom
White Bluff views: Tasman Sea
White Bluff views
White Bluff views
Cloud Reflection on Bonville Creek, Bongil Bongil National Park, Sawtell, Coffs Coast, NSW
Sapphire Beach
Cloud Reflection on Bonville Creek, Bongil Bongil National Park, Sawtell, Coffs Coast, NSW
Sunset in Coffs Harbor
Storm over Park Beach South, Coffs Harbour, NSW
Japanese Gardens, North Coast Regional Botanic Gardens, Coff Harbour, NSW
south to Pickett's Hill
View from Lookout at McCauleys Headland looking down Park Beach, Coffs Harbour, NSW
Coffs Harbour
Cyathea cooperi (syn Sphaeropteris cooperi, Alsophila cooperi) - Straw Tree-fern, Scaley Tree-fern - Bongil Bongil National Park, Coffs Coast, NSW
Cyathea cooperi (syn Sphaeropteris cooperi, Alsophila cooperi) - Straw Tree-fern, Scaley Tree-fern - Bongil Bongil National Park, Coffs Coast, NSW
View from Lookout at McCauleys Headland looking down Park Beach, Coffs Harbour, NSW
Sapphire Beach
to Green Bluff
Sapphire Dawn
White Bluff
()Mooney Park, NSW North Coast.