Reflections on the Yarrra River

Good Morning Melbourne

Melbourne Docklands

Remnants of a pier - another view

The Docklands

_ DIfferentiaL Propagation and InterseCting Stories!

And while I watched the crowds dissolved like smoke;

Melbourne Sunset

Early morning in Melbourne

― Piercing Quiet - Explore 20/10/2010 #67

Yarra Walk

- Discretion

One of those mornings

Towards the City

― ¯Ш

Melbourne night view

_ Dangerous waters, seA of Fins

Melbourne | Sandridge Bridge

Melbourne | Princes Bridge

Just for fun

_TO A POINT ~ Centripetal forces ~

Point Cook Coastal Park

Pole Position

pier - port Melbourne

Campbells Cove

Saturday Morning

Cold and Windy Brighton Beach

Ripples on still water

Dish on a Bench

Brighton Beach

Bolte Bridge in Mist

Blast from the Past

On a clear day.............

Oil on canvas

Campbells Cove (re-processed) 2015-01-25 (IMG_5833)

Serenity @ the Bay - Melbourne

Newport Lakes

Melbourne, Australia

Brighton Marina

Melbourne Skyline

Urban Landscape

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