European Starling

Goodyear ZNPK-28 Blimp Control Car

Longest Hair at The Big E 2009

Young Girl

Powder Hollow relic...

Powder Hollow relic...

Powder Hollow relic...

U.S. Springfield Muskets 1862, Springfield Armory National Historic Site, Springfield, Massachusetts

Northern Cardinal

Red Clover (Trifolium pratense)

American Robin Series

play time

On High Alert

Song Sparrow

Night Dance of the Maples....

Mushroom Heaven

Springfield Goes Boom

Dusk on the Course

Room with a view (103/365)

Hwy-5 Bridge, Agawam River


It’s a good morning

Sunrise 9/2/2017

Skyline of Springfield, Massachusetts



Dark May

_DSC0446-2 Stitch-3

berries encased in ice

Red-winged Blackbird

In The Grass

Mill Pond Falls - Newington, CT

Carp Diem


Eel Grass Connecticut River

Reflections in the Water



Powder Hollow - 2013

Weedy Beauty
