What a view!

No Hope In Good Hope

Dew Point

312) High Shoals GA, GA186 @ Apalachee R - bridge view [G10]

What a nice view...

Spectacular views...

What a view...

I just love a great view!

Another beautiful view of the lake at #fortyargo. Amazing #reflection. #mountainbiking #mtb #ridelikeagirl #cyclelikeagirl #outsideisfree #winderga #mtbgirl #naturelove #bikegeorgia #livcycling #livcyclingusa #livbeyond #actuallyican #livtempt #cycling #r

Beautiful day for #mountainbiking at #fortyargo! The view from the lake/boat dock. #mtb #ridelikeagirl #cyclelikeagirl #outsideisfree #winderga #mtbgirl #naturelove #bikegeorgia #livcycling #livcyclingusa #livbeyond #actuallyican #livtempt #cycling #ridi

Sitting Pretty

Time to go and dream about the waves! Night yall!

All seeing eye...

Island Dreams 2

If you limit yourself great things will never happen!

Tropical - yes...

Thinking about my next vacation...

Springtime is here!

Island Dreams 3

"Headed to Marioland" ZLL #my_athens #newsouthcity #broadathens

Caretaker Couple Georgia Lakefront Horse Farm

Casulon Plantation

A fruitful #farm #fall fun day. #NativeSun #organic #vegetables

Fort Yargo state park Georgia

#wishwehadthissprinklerwheniwasakid #my_athens

Fort Yargo State Park

Found: Cows swimming

Washington Farms

Old House 3 Monroe GA

Washington Farms

2013-09-27 14.31.54