the road unknown

Blue Ridge Parkway Asheville NC - Enduring Craggy

East of Dillingham

first light

Over the Blacks Range

Pleiades Star Cluster

Airplane flying across M33 Galaxy

After the Storm

Appalachian Trail NC TN Blue Ridge Mountains - Roan Mountain Rays

Blue Ridge Parkway Spring Flowers - Spring in the Mountains

Locust Borer (Megacyllene Robiniae) at Craggy Gardens (Blue Ridge Parkway)

Craggy Gardens Bumble Bee (Blue Ridge Parkway)

Asheville NC Blue Ridge Parkway Spring Flowers North Carolina

in a fog (Explore)

Viewing West from Craggy Gardens Visitor Center

Elk Mountain's view to Beaverdam + #Asheville

Craggy view

Another Fall View From BRP

blue ridge valley

HDR Rainbow

So. This isn't a bad view for my back yard. #notcomplaining #waittillwinter

The Cure

foggy ride

Craggy Gardens pinnacle

High Above

Snow At Craggy Gardens

Craggy Dome Sunrise

morning waves

All's Well

Nature and Man

Fog, Grey, Mist--

check lights

Blue Ridge Parkway

Craggy Pinnacle Sunrise, Blue Ridge Parkway NC

Square Framed

Snow At Craggy Gardens

At 3500 Feet BRP

Craggy Pinnacle Sunrise, Blue Ridge Parkway NC

Haw Branch Barns